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Transaction announcements and documents

Listed companies

Announcements and documents issued by  can be searched via the HKEXnews site hosted by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited.

Unlisted public companies

Announcements and documents issued by unlisted public companies during a transaction under the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs can be accessed via the table below:


Date Company name Announcement/Document 
17 October 2024 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the Buy-out offer
20 September 2024 Sound Global Ltd.
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the Buy-out offer
20 August 2024  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the Buy-out offer
15 Aug 2024 IntelliCentrics Global Holdings Ltd Announcement - Poll results of the extraordinary general meeting in relation to the winding up proposal
31 July 2024 IntelliCentrics Global Holdings Ltd

Circular - Winding up proposal and notice of extraordinary general meeting

Proxy Form for the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 15 August 2024 (or any adjournment thereof)

Announcement - Winding up proposal and extraordinary general meeting

16 July 2024 
Sound Global Ltd. 
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the Buy-out offer
18 June 2024  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the Buy-out offer
13 May 2024 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code - Termination of possible proposal and Monthly Update on the buy-out offer 
3 April 2024 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
4 March 2024  Sound Global Ltd.
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
5 February 2024  Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
2 January 2024 Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
1 December 2023  Sound Global Ltd.
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
1 November 2023 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
3 October 2023 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
5 September 2023  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
1 August 2023  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal
3 July 2023  Sound Global Ltd.
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal 
1 June 2023 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal 
5 May 2023  Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly Update on the possible proposal 
6 April 2023 Sound Global Ltd.
Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code monthly update on the possible proposal 
7 March 2023 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code monthly update on the possible proposal
7 February 2023  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code monthly update on the possible proposal 
5 January 2023  Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code monthly update on the possible proposal 
 8 December 2022 Sound Global Ltd.  Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Monthly update on the possible proposal
 11 November 2022 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers 
Monthly update on the possible proposal 
 12 October 2022 Sound Global Ltd. Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers 
Monthly update on the possible proposal 
 1 August  2022 China Creative Global Holdings Limited  Announcement - Monthly Update Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code
21 June 2022 Sun Cheong Creative Development Holdings Limited
 Announcement - Monthly Update Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code
6 April 2022
Hong Fok Land International Limited

Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the Companies Act of Bermuda

Effective date of the scheme

4 April 2022  Hong Fok Land International Limited

Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 99 of the Companies Act of Bermuda

Sanction of the scheme by the Bermuda Court

Expected effective date of the scheme 

22 March 2022 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 99 of the companies act of Bermuda

Results of the adjourned Court Meeting and the adjourned SGM 

Closure of register of members

4 March 2022  Hong Fok Land International Limited

Joint Announcement - proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the Companies Act of Bermuda (1) Change of the Court Meeting and the SGM from physical meetings to hybrid meetings; (2) Adjournment of the Court Meeting and the SGM

Notice of Adjourned Special General Meeting

Notice of Adjourned Court Meeting

16 February 2022 Hong Fok Land International Limited Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the Companies Act of Bermuda - Adjournment of the Court Meeting and the SGM
14 February 2022 Hong Fok Land International Limited Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 99 of the companies act of Bermuda - Adjournment of the Court Meeting and the SGM 
19 January 2022 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Scheme Document - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the companies act of Bermuda

Proxy form for the Special General Meeting of Hong Fok Land International Limited to be held on 15 February 2022

Proxy form for the Court Meeting of scheme shareholders to be held on 15 February 2022

Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the companies act of Bermuda - Despatch of Scheme Document

6 January 2022  Hong Fok Land International Limited Joint Announcement - Monthly update announcement relating to the
proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by
the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 99 of
the companies act of Bermuda

 6 December 2021 Hong Fok Land International Limited Joint announcement - Delay in despatch of scheme document relating to the proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 99 of the companies act of Bermuda
 15 November 2021  Hong Fok Land International Limited Joint Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Hong Fok Land International Limited by the joint offerors by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 99 of the Companies Act of Bermuda
12 June 2021 Convoy Global Holdings Limited Announcement Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code Termination of Possible Offer
 8 June 2021 Convoy Global Holdings Limited  Monthly update announcement pursuant to rule 3.7 and 3.8 of the Takeovers Code
6 May 2021 Convoy Global Holdings Limited
Announcement Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code
Possible Offer to acquire all the shares of the Company

8 April 2021 Huifu Payment Limited
Joint Announcement (1) Proposal for the delisting of Huifu Payment Limited by
the Offeror by way of a scheme of arrangement (under section 86 of the companies act) (2) Closing and results of the option offer and (3) Payment under the option offer

29 March 2021 Tonly Electronics Holdings Limited Joint Announcement (1) Proposed Privatisation of Tonly Electronics Holdings Limited by the offeror by way of a Scheme of arrangement under Section 86 of The Companies Act and (2) Special Deal in relation to the rollover arrangement and (3) proposed withdrawal of listing of the company results of the option offer and payments under the option offer 
2 February 2021 Celebrate International Holdings Limited

(1) Appointment of joint and several liquidators
(2) Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code
(3) End of Offer Period

15 January 2021 Tenwow International Holdings Limited Judicial Review and Termination of Restructuring Agreement
12 September 2019 Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited

Joint Announcement - (1) Proposed Privatisation of Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited by Melco Leisure and Entertainment Group Limited by way of a Scheme of Arrangement (2) Results of the Court Meeting and Adjournment of the Extraordinary General Meeting and (3) Lapse of the Proposal and the Scheme

19 August 2019 Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited

Scheme Document - Proposed Privatisation of Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited by Melco Leisure and Entertainment Group Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 673 of the Companies Ordinance

Form of Proxy for the Court Meeting on 12 September 2019 (Or any adjournment thereof)

Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 September 2019 (Or any adjournment thereof)

Joint Announcement - (1) Proposed Privatisation of Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited by Melco Leisure and Entertainment Group Limited by way of a scheme of arrangment and (2) Despatch of Scheme Document

26 June 2019 Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited

Joint Announcement – Extension of Time For Despatch of Scheme Document Proposed Privatisation of Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited By Melco Leisure And Entertainment Group Limited By Way of A Scheme of Arrangement

14 June 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - (1) Close of the voluntary conditional cash offer by Tus Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited tobuy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and involving an application for whitewash waiver; and (2) Results of the offer

5 June 2019 Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited

Joint Announcement - Proposed Privatisation of Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited by Melco Leisure and Entertainment Group Limited by way of a Scheme of Arrangement

31 May 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - Voluntary conditional cash offer by TUS Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and involving an application for whitewash waiver

Poll results of the special general meeting and fulfillment of conditions of the offer

26 April 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Offer document relating to the voluntary conditional cash offer by Tus Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 Per share and involving an application for whitewash waiver

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of par value of HK$0.05 each in the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - Despatch of the offer document relating to (1) Voluntary conditional cash offer by Tus Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

22 March 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - Monthly progress update pursuant to rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code and further delay in despatch of offer document relating to (1) voluntary conditional cash offer by Tus Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

22 February 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Delay in despatch of offer document relating to (1) Voluntary conditional cash offer by TUS Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

4 February 2019 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - (1) Voluntary conditional cash offer by TUS Corporate Finance Limited on behalf of Hong Fok Land International Limited to buy-back all the issued shares of Hong Fok Land International Limited at HK$0.55 per share and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

18 September 2018 Techcomp Instrument Limited

Joint announcement -Voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it) (1) Close of the voluntary cash offer (2) Acceptance level and (3) Compulsory redemption

4 September 2018 Techcomp Instrument Limited

Announcement -Despatch of the response document in relation to voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

Response document relating to the voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

3 September 2018 Techcomp Instrument Limited

Joint Announcement -Privateco offer has become unconditional in all respects voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

29 August 2018 Techcomp Instrument Limited

Update Announcement - Conditional voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

21 August 2018 Techcomp Instrument Limited

Offer document relating to the conditional voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (Other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of par value of US$0.001 each in the issued shares of Techcomp Instrument Limited (FAT HK)

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of par value of US$0.001 each in the issued shares of Techcomp Instrument Limited (FAT SG)

Joint Announcement - Despatch of the privateco offer document in relation to conditional voluntary cash offer by Somerley Capital Limited on behalf of Circle Brown Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Techcomp Instrument Limited (Other than those owned or agreed to be acquired by Circle Brown Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

11 Sep 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - (1) Final Results of the Unconditional Voluntary Offer for all the issued shares in Asian Growth Properties Limited (Other than those already owned by Nan Luen International Limited and S E A Holdings Limited) by Ample Capital Limited on behalf of Nan Luen International Limited and (2) Clarification of the Number of Consideration Shares and Amount of Cash Portion of the Offer Paid or Payable by the Offeror

28 Aug 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement -(1) Close of theunconditional voluntary offer for all the issued shares in Asian Growth Properties Limited (other than those already owned by Nan Luen International Limited and S E A Holdings Limited) by Ample Capital Limited on behalf of Nan Luen International Limited and (2) Results of the Offer

28 Jul 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Composite Document relating to the Unconditional Voluntary Offer for all the issued shares in Asian Growth Properties Limited (other than those already owned by Nan Luen International Limited and S E A Holdings Limited) by Ample Capital Limited on behalf of Nan Luen International Limited

Form of Acceptance and Transfer of Share(s) of US$0.05 each in the issued share capital of Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - Despatch of Composite Document relating to the Unconditional Voluntary Offer for all the issued shares in Asian Growth Properties Limited (other than those already owned by Nan Luen International Limited and S E A Holdings Limited) by Ample Capital Limited on behalf of Nan Luen International Limited

7 Jul 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - Further Delay in Despatch of Composite Document

16 Jun 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - Further Delay in Despatch of Composite Document

7 Jun 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Announcement pursuant to the Takeovers Code Voluntary Share Exchange Offer

5 Jun 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - Further Delay in Despatch of Composite Document

17 May 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Supplemental Announcement relating to Completion of Distribution in Specie Satisfaction of the Pre-Condition for the Share Exchange Offer and Further Delay in Despatch of Composite Document

5 May 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Joint Announcement - Delay in despatch of composite document

26 Apr 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Announcement pursuant to the Takeovers Code appointment of independent financial adviser

5 Apr 2017 Asian Growth Properties Limited

Announcement pursuant to the Takeovers Code voluntary share exchange offer

14 Oct 2016 TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited

Joint announcement -Privatisation ofTCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited by T.C.L. Industries Holdings (H.K.) Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement (under section 86 of the companies law) (1) closing and results of option offer and(2) despatch of cheques under the option offer

29 Oct 2015 Dorsett Hospitality International Limited

Joint announcement -Privatisation of Dorsett Hospitality International Limited by the offeror by way of a scheme of arrangement (under section 86 of the companies law) (1) closing and results of the Rule 13 offer and (2) dispatch of cheques under the Rule 13 offer

22 Sep 2015 Modern Series Limited

Joint announcement -Voluntary conditional securities exchange offer and cash offer by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui to acquire the entire issued share capital of Modern Series Limited (other than those already owned by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him) final closing of the voluntary conditional securities exchange offer and cash offer

11 Sep 2015 Modern Series Limited

Supplemental announcement in relation to the joint announcement offer has become unconditional in all respects voluntary conditional securities exchange offer and cash offer by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui to acquire the entire issued share capital of Modern Series Limited (other than those already owned by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him) and final closing date

9 Sep 2015 Modern Series Limited

Clarification announcement inrelation to the joint announcement offer has becomeunconditional in all respects voluntary conditionalsecurities exchange offer and cash offer by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui to acquire theentire issued share capital of Modern Series Limited (other than those already owned by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him)

8 Sep 2015 Modern Series Limited

Joint Announcement -Offer has become unconditional in all respects voluntary conditional securities exchange offer and cash offer by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui to acquire the entire issued share capital of Modern Series Limited (other than those already owned by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him) and final closing date

17 Aug 2015 Modern Series Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to the conditional voluntary securities exchange offer and cash offer for all the issued shares in Modern Series Limited (other than those already owned by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him) by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ Ltd. on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of US$0.000025 each in the issued share capital of Modern Series Limited

Joint Announcement – Despatch of composite document relating to voluntary conditional securities exchange offer and cash offer by Kingston Â鶹´«Ã½ Ltd. on behalf of Mr. Cui Zhanhui to acquire the entire issued share capital of Modern Series Limited (other than those as may be held by Mr. Cui Zhanhui and parties acting in concert with him)

29 Jun 2015 Hunan Nonferrous Metals Corporation Limited

Joint announcement - The proposed merger by abosrption of the company by HNG has become effective

19 Aug 2014 Regent Manner International Holdings Limited

Joint announcement - Proposed privatization of Regent Manner International Holdings Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement (under Section 86 of the Cayman Islands Companies Law) - Closing and results of the option offer

21 Jul 2014 SIH Limited

Joint announcement - Close of unconditional voluntary cash offer by GF Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Brokerage Limitedon behalf ofFairy King Prawn Holdings Limited to acquire all the issued shares in SIH Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Fairy King Prawn Holdings Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

30 Jun 2014 SIH Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to the unconditional voluntary cash offer for all the issued shares in SIH Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Fairy King Prawn Holdings Limited and parties acting in concert with it) by GF Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Brokerage Limited on behalf of Fairy King Prawn Holdings Limited

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of HK$0.01 each in the issued share capital of SIH Limited

Joint announcement - Unconditional voluntary cash offer for all the issued shares in SIH Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Fairy King Prawn Holdings Limited and parties acting in concert with it) by GF Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Brokerage Limited for and on behalf of Fairy King Prawn Holdings Limited - despatch of the privateco composite document

31 Jul 2013 CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited

Joint announcement - Close ofvoluntary unconditional cash offer by Celestial Capital Limited on behalf of Celestial Investment Group Limited for all the shares in the capital of CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Celestial Investment Group Limited)

17 Jul 2013 CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited

Joint announcement - Offer has become unconditional in all respects voluntary conditional cash offer by Celestial Capital Limited on behalf of Celestial Investment Group Limited for all the shares in the capital of CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Celestial Investment Group Limited)

5 Jul 2013 CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to the voluntary conditional cash offer by Celestial Capital Limited on behalf of Celestial Investment Group Limited for all the shares in the capital of Cash Retail Management (HK) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Celestial Investment Group Limited)

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of HK$0.001 each in the issued share capital of Cash Retail Manangement (HK) Limited

Joint Announcement - Despatch of the composite offer and response document relating to the voluntary conditional cash offer by Celestial Capital Limited on behalf of Celestial Investment Group Limited for all the shares in the capital of CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Celestial Investment Group Limited)

15 May 2013 CASH Retail Management (HK) Limited

Joint Announcement – Possible voluntary conditional cash offer by Celestial Capital Limited on behalf of CIGL for all the privateco shares (including such privateco shares to be held by CIGL concert party group (other than CIGL))

4 Jan 2013 Jay Star Holdings Limited

Joint announcement - Close of unconditional voluntary cash offer by Quam Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of Smart Top Investments Limited to acquire all the shares in Jay Star Holdings Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Smart Top Investments Limited and/or Mr. Yang Jai Sung and parties acting in concert with any of them)

14 Dec 2012 Jay Star Holdings Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to unconditional voluntary cash offer by Quam Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of Smart Top Investments Limited for all the issued shares in Jay Star Holdings Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Smart Top Investments Limited and/or Mr. Yang Jai Sung and parties acting in concert with any of them)

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of HK$0.01 each in the issued share capital of Jay Star Holdings Limited

Joint announcement - unconditional voluntary cash offer by Quam Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of Smart Top Investments Limited to acquire all the shares in Jay Star Holdings Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Smart Top Investments Limited and/or Mr. Yang Jai Sung and parties acting in concert with any of them) - despatch of the composite offer and response document

5 Dec 2012 Karfun Investments Limited

Joint Announcement - Close of offer and level of acceptance in relation to unconditional voluntary cash offer by Karl Thomson Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of J&A Investment Limited for all the issued shares in Karfun Investments Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by J&A Investment Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

14 Nov 2012 Karfun Investments Limited

(1) Composite offer and response document relating to the unconditional voluntary cash offer by Karl Thomson Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of J&A Investment Limited for all the issued shares in Karfun Investments Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by J&A Investment Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

(2) Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of HK$0.01 each in the issued capital of Karfun Investments Limited

(3) Joint announcement - despatch of composite offer and response document in relation to unconditional voluntary cash offer by Karl Thomson Â鶹´«Ã½ Company Limited on behalf of J&A Investment Limited for all the issued shares in Karfun Investments Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by J&A Investment Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

21 Sep 2012 Karfun Investments Limited

Appointment of Independent Financial Adviser

3 Sep 2012 Cherrytime Investments Limited

Joint Announcement - Close of the voluntary unconditional cash offer by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Wing Tai Properties Investment Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Cherrytime Investments Limited (other than those already owned by or agreed to be acquired by it or Wing Tai Properties Limited)

13 Aug 2012 Cherrytime Investments Limited

Joint Announcement - Extension of offer period in respect of the voluntary unconditional cash offer by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Wing Tai Properties Investment Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Cherrytime Investments Limited (other than those already owned by or agreed to be acquired by it or Wing Tai Properties Limited)

23 Jul 2012 Cherrytime Investments Limited

(1) Composite offer and response document relating to the voluntary unconditional cash offer by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Wing Tai Properties Investment Limited to acquire all the issued shares in the capital of Cherrytime Investments Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by it or Wing Tai Properties Limited) together with form of acceptance and transfer of share(s)

(2) Joint Announcement - voluntary unconditional cash offer by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Wing Tai Properties Investment Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Cherrytime Investments Limited (other than those already owned by or agreed to be acquired by it or Wing Tai Properties Limited) - despatch of the composite offer and response document

3 Jul 2012 Alibaba.com Limited

Joint Announcement - Proposed Privatization of Alibaba.com Limited by Alibaba Group Holding Limited by Way of a Scheme of Arrangement (under Section 86 of the Cayman Islands Companies Law) Closing and Results of the Share Incentives Offer

16 May 2012 EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Limited

Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

18 Apr 2012 EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Limited

Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

16 Mar 2012 EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Limited

Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

17 Feb 2012 Peasedow Enterprises Limited/Chosen Investments Limited

Joint announcement - Close of unconditional voluntary cash offer by Anglo Chinese Corporate Finance, Limited on behalf of Peasedow Enterprises Limited to acquire all the shares in Chosen Investments Limited (other than those already owned by or agreed to be acquired by Peasedow Enterprises Limited and parties acting in concert with it, excluding Anglo Chinese related group)

17 Feb 2012 EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Limited

Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

27 Jan 2012 Peasedow Enterprises Limited/Chosen Investments Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to unconditional voluntary cash offer by Anglo Chinese Corporate Finance, Limited on behalf of Peasedow Enterprises Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Chosen Investments Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Peasedow Enterprises Limited and parties acting in concert with it, excluding Anglo Chinese related group)

27 Jan 2012 Peasedow Enterprises Limited/Chosen Investments Limited

Joint Announcement - Despatch of composite offer and response document

19 Jan 2012 EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Limited

Announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

18 Jan 2012 Mr. Wang Han

Announcement in relation to Mayer Holdings Limited - Possible voluntary cash offer announcement pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

28 Oct 2011 Noble Jewelry Investment Limited

Appointment of Joint Independent Financial Advisers

19 Oct 2011 Noble Jewelry Investment Limited

Clarification Announcement

30 Sep 2011 Noble Jewelry Investment Limited

Announcement – Despatch of circular in relation to (1) Transfer of shares in Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited to Resources Rich Capital Limited (2) Group reorganisation of Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited (3) Share premium and reserve application (4) Distribution in specie of the privateco shares (5) Special deals/exempt continuing connected transactions

8 Sep 2011 Noble Jewelry Investment Limited

Transfer of shares in Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited to Resources Rich Capital Limited (2) Group reorganisation of Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited (3) Share premium and reserve application (4) Distribution in specie of the privateco shares (5) Special deals/exempt continuing connected transactions (6) Possible unconditional mandatory cash offers for the shares in and to cancel the share options of Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited by Optima Capital Limited on behalf of Resources Rich Capital Limited (7) Possible unconditional voluntary cash offer for the privateco shares by Investec Capital Asia Limited on behalf of First Prospect Holdings Limited (8) Appointment of Joint Independent Financial Advisers and (9) Resumption of trading in the shares of Noble Jewelry Holdings Limited

25 Mar 2011 Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited

Joint Announcement - Close of the conditional voluntary cash offer by Polaris Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Ltd on behalf of Tai-I International (BVI) Limited to acquire all the shares in Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Tai-I International (BVI) Limited and parties acting in concert with it)

14 Mar 2011 Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited

Clarification announcement

11 Mar 2011 Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited

Joint Announcement - Conditional voluntary cash offer by Polaris Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Tai-I International (BVI) Limited to acquire all the shares in Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Tai-I International (BVI) Limited and parties acting in concert with it) becoming unconditional in all respects and extension of the offer period

8 Mar 2011 Easyknit Enterprises Holdings Limited

Rajkumar Murlidhar Daswani - Decision of not proceeding with the possible offer for the shares of Easyknit Enterprises Holdings Limited - Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

22 Feb 2011 Easyknit Enterprises Holdings Limited

Rajkumar Murlidhar Daswani - Announcement of a possible offer for the shares of Easyknit Enterprises Holdings Limited - Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code

18 Feb 2011 Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited

Joint Announcement - Conditional voluntary cash offer by Polaris Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Tai-I International (BVI) Limited to acquire all the shares in Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Tai-I International (BVI) Limited and parties acting in concert with it) Despatch of the privateco offer document

18 Feb 2011 Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to conditional voluntary cash offer by Polaris Â鶹´«Ã½ (Hong Kong) Limited on behalf of Tai-I International (BVI) Limited to acquire all the shares in Tai-I International (Bermuda) Limited (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by Tai-I International (BVI) Limited and parties acting in concert with it) together with form of acceptacne and transfer

10 Jan 2011 Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Announcement - Proposed privatisation of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

25 Nov 2010 Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

Joint Announcement - Close of unconditional voluntary cash offer by Optima Capital Limited on behalf of Merit Gala Limited for the VGO KSL Shares

11 Nov 2010 Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

Joint Announcement - extension of offer period in respect of the voluntary unconditional cash offer by Optima Capital Limited on behalf of Merit Gala Ltd for VGO KSL Shares

21 Oct 2010 Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

Joint announcement – despatch of composite offer and response document

21 Oct 2010 Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

Form of acceptance and transfer of share(s) of HK$0.05 each in the issued share capital of Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

21 Oct 2010 Kee Shing Investment (BVI) Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to the unconditional voluntary cash offer by Optima Capital on behalf of Merit Gala for the VGO KSL shares

31 Aug 2010 Meadville Holdings Limited

Announcement - Winding-up Timetable

24 May 2010 Meadville Holdings Limited

Announcement - Sale of the TTM Sale Shares

5 May 2010 Meadville Holdings Limited


29 Apr 2010 Meadville Holdings Limited

Announcement - Deregistration from The Cayman Islands and continuation into The British Virgin Islands and revised expected timetable

23 Apr 2010 Top Mix Investments Limited/TTM Technologies, Inc./TTM Hong Kong Limited/Meadville Holdings Limited

Joint announcement - Under Rule 8.1 of the Takeovers Code

21 Apr 2010 TTM Technologies, Inc./TTM Hong Kong Limited


12 Feb 2009 Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited

Announcement - Proposed privatisation of PCCW Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement (under section 166 of the Companies Ordiance)

12 Apr 2010 Shell Electric Holdings Limited

Joint Announcement - Closing of the voluntary unconditional cash offer for the Privateco Shares

19 Mar 2010 Shell Electric Holdings Limited

Extension of the offer period

26 Feb 2010 Shell Electric Holdings Limited

Announcement - Despatch of composite offer and response document

26 Feb 2010 Shell Electric Holdings Limited

Composite offer and response document - Voluntary unconditional cash offer for the privateco shares by Access Capital on behalf of Red Dynasty (other than those privateco shares already owned or agreed to be acquired by Red Dynasty and parties acting in concert with it) together with form of acceptance and transfer

12 Feb 2010 Shell Electric Holdings Limited

Announcement - Delay in despatch of composite offer and response document

23 Apr 2009 Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited

Announcement - Proposed privatisation of PCCW Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement (under section 166 of the Companies Ordinance)

2 Dec 2008 Hantec Pacific Limited

Composite offer and response document relating to a voluntary unconditional cash offer by Optima Capital Limited on behalf of Hantec Holdings Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Hantec Pacific Limited (other than those already owned by the HHL Concert Group and parties acting in concert with any of its members)

14 Sep 2007 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - Lapse of the conditional partial offer for the shares in Hong Fok Land International Limited by Kingsway Financial Services Group Limited on behalf of Yorkwin Investments Limited being a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Fok Corporation Limited

24 Aug 2007 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Circular - Conditional partial offer for the shares in Hong Fok Land International Limited by Kingsway Financial Services Group Limited on behalf of Yorkwin Investments Limited being a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Fok Corporation Limited

22 Aug 2007 Hong Fok Land International Limited

Announcement - Delay in despatch of the composite offer document and despatch of the composite offer document

7 May 2007 Inventive Limited

Announcement - Close of the Privateco Offer, compulsory acquisition of remaining Inventive Shares and change of Inventive Directors

16 Apr 2007 Inventive Limited

Composite offer document - Voluntary unconditional cash offer by Somerley Limited on behalf of Mexan Group Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Inventive Limited (other than those shares already owned by Mexan Group Limited and parties acting in concert with it) together with form of acceptance and transfer

15 Dec 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Results of Extraordinary General Meeting

23 Nov 2006 Sino Stride Technology (Holdings) Limited

Announcement - Final closing of the cash offer

20 Nov 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Despatch of circular in relation to the Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

20 Nov 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Circular - Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

31 Oct 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

16 Jun 2006 Group Dragon Investments Limited

Announcement - Close of Voluntary Unconditional Â鶹´«Ã½ Exchange Offer

26 May 2006 Group Dragon Investments Limited

Announcement - Further clarification of basis for acceptances of the Group Dragon Investments Limited offer and despatch of composite offer and response document

26 May 2006 Group Dragon Investments Limited

Circular - Composite offer and response document relating to the voluntary unconditional securities exchange offer by Somerley Limited on behalf of Well Orient Limited to acquire all the issued shares in Group Dragon Investments Limited (together with proxy form)

18 May 2006 Group Dragon Investments Limited

Announcement - The Capital Reorganisation and the Group Reorganisation of China Strategic Holdings Limited

19 Apr 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Results of Extraordinary General Meeting

24 Mar 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Despatch of circular in relation to the Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

24 Mar 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Circular - Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

6 Mar 2006 The National Lacquer & Paint Products Company, Limited

Announcement - Proposed off-market repurchase of ordinary shares and qualified shares

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Last update: 15 Aug 2024

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